Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Small world

Last night at the BBQ I chatted to artist Ya-Ling Huang, and writer/holographer Odile Meulien Öhlmann. Ya-Ling works at the Graduate School of Visual Communication Design in Tainan, Taiwan and produces beautiful dot matix holograms.

Ya-Ling had given
a superb talk about art and education earlier in the day. She had been using holography to help primary-aged school children solve soma puzzles which help with spatial intelligence training. This training was thought to aid children with learning mathematics and science. Ya-Ling showed films of children looking at individual holograms and holographic illustrations (horse hologram) in childrens' books.

All three of us agreed that we needed to teach children holography at an earlier age.

Oh, and Ya-Ling and I had lived in the same town, Columbia, Missouri - where Fred Unterseher and Becky Deem now live. What are the odds.?.......


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